Persistence is Everything

My 15-year journey of writing a memoir finally leads to publication

Marcia Meier


Photo by Marcia Meier

When I began to write my memoir nearly 15 years ago, I did not imagine how long it would take, or how much give and take, and revision, would be involved.

I finished a complete draft of Face, A Memoir, in November 2012. Sent it off to my agent thinking I was done. But I was in for a surprise. I had worked for seven years, tinkering, revising, sweating over every verb and noun, not to mention the structure and tone. Buy my agent said, “Why don’t you have a professional editor look it over; there are some repetitive passages, and it’s always good to have another set of eyes on a manuscript.”

How could I refuse? I was an editor and agreed with everything he said. But who? I knew many exceptional editors, but I didn’t want to hire someone who knew me and my work.

I thought of the teachers at Antioch University Los Angeles, where I studied for my MFA in creative writing. I didn’t want to hire anyone I had worked with directly, but there was an adjunct professor in fiction — Christine Hale — whose residency workshops were exceptional. I emailed her: “Do you do developmental editing?”

She said no, but her husband did. Mc McIlvoy is a retired creative writing professor and founder of the Warren…



Marcia Meier

Publisher, writing coach, book editor, author, animal lover. My latest book is Unmasked, Women Write About Sex and Intimacy After Fifty.